28 April 2011

My First Etsy Sale

So I made my first Etsy sale yesterday! I received a custom order for some polymer clay beads...very similar to what I already had listed but a larger size and hollow. The lady is from New Mexico!
It blows my mind that someone on the other side of the world will be using my beads in their jewellery!! I can't wait to see what she makes with them, how exciting!!

Been a busy bee this week as I received my large order of alcohol ink and have been playing with them. Also made some connectors, some purple beads and tiles and a few other bits I shall blog about once I take some photographs.

23 April 2011


I've been slightly addicted to Etsy for a long time now so I took the plunge, opened up a new selling account so I could use my "Grubbi" name and started listing last night.

It's such a time consuming experience! Probably why I've never actually had a serious pop at setting up a shop before.

As I may have mentioned in the past...I kind of flit from one project to the next and rarely actually sit down and finish anything in a timely fashion. So being organised enough to get a few bits together, presentable, photographed, edited, measured, described and uploaded...sheesh, what a long winded, slightly boring experience! I'd much rather be kneading clay or something a tad more creative.

Still, I've had a lot of likes and even been added to someones treasury...all in two days! Pretty pleased with that! Not bad for an English gal in a mainly US pond...and what a hugeeee pond it is!

Anyhooo, my etsy is linked to now on my blog and my Flickr...I ship worldwide too :D

9 April 2011

Art Bead Scene April

ABS April Challenge

Have been loving the ABS challenge each month but have never got around to entering before. I like making my own components and beads rather than using everything bought in but when something comes up that I want to do, I start it but never finish. I may make beads one day and plan to do the components the next but it never quite works out that way.

I keep getting "creators block", I guess that's kinda like writers block but without the text. :p
Am finding it quite difficult to get around to actually completing a piece at the mo as the house is up the wall...every room has been replastered, just had a new kitchen fitted and as a result I'm trying too hard to ignore the mess and not stress about it and so have just been doing the odd thing here and there rather than planning pieces out.

I did love this months ABS challenge though...particularly as I'd just finished a piece with similar colours last week and so still had my project pots overflowing with yellows, golds, pinks and oranges...I also just had some fab texture sheets arrive that I wanted to try out.

I had the components in mind first and liked the little circles textured and patina'd but wasn't sure what to do with them. I initially had them in mind for connectors but decided to link in a "chain" manner to add something interesting to the brass plate area.

All components are solid brass and hand made by me as is the polymer focal. The other beads are coral, czech glass, Swarovski crystal and a yellow polymer round made by me. All brass has been textured and antiqued and some patina'd. It's finished with a little piece of saffron sari silk.