My Word
Structure is something I definitely need to work on this year. I'm terribly dis-organised and I find it really stressful sometimes.
I get into ruts where I can't be bothered doing anything...and so some days I don't. This then put's me behind schedule and I get flustered and then stressed because I have so many things to do. I have work days, housework days, beading days, order/packing days, claying days, family days and lying about doing nothing days...I let things get on top of me.
I need a rota, I need to do little bits of each thing, each day...instead of letting them mount up. I need to utilise the things and people around me a bit more, ask for help instead of trying to be super woman.
So even though there are many words...schedule, utilise, dis-organised, stressful, flustered...that I could use, I'll go for the one that encompasses them all and one that sounds a little more useful and positive than the others...Structure.